I am from the Saguaro cacti and tumbleweeds
The trees full of buzzing cicadas on hot, summer nights
I am from dial-up internet
From Neil Diamond and Kenny G drifting from the CD player
I am from the home that hosted Bible studies
The cul-de-sac where we rode bikes and played games with neighbors
And ran barefoot across the burning asphalt
I’m from honor roll and failed piano lessons
And blisters on my toes from hours of ballet rehearsals
I’m from Arizona and other lands long forgotten
I’m from Dominoes with Grammy and Cribbage with Grandpa
From family reunions at the cabin, seeing new faces each year
While never missing the pink stuff
I’m from roast beef and mashed potatoes
From family dinners every night and church every Sunday
And ski trips every spring
I’m from memories documented in photo albums and home videos
And love that’s held close to my heart

Thanks Kev! I definitely can’t handle that heat like I used to. 😆
Loved this post Vane!!!! Fun insight into your childhood. It made me grin just reading it, also cringe when it came to running across an Arizona asphalt barefoot. I would never had made it growing up in AZ as a kid 😄.